What are the prices for renting a multi-story apartment or a land house in the city of Maykop?
Here we will present to you average prices of renting a floor apartment and land houses in the capital city of Maykpe, Republic of Adygea. There are mainly three types of apartments that are offered for rent: a one-room apartment, a two-room apartment and a three-room apartment whose size ranges from 25 square meters to 85 square meters. In the field of houses, all types of houses are offered, starting from a one-room house to two-story villas and more.
The prices shown here were taken from the Avito website, which is the largest website in the Russian Federation in the area of apartments and houses. Avito is also involved in many other areas such as job offers, sales, shopping and more. Avito is among the top 100 sites in the world (80th place in the world ranking, in Russia it occupies the 10th place).
Average apartment rental prices for a long period (three months to several years in Maykop:
One room apartment 20 thousand rubles ($220) per month. The size of the apartment is 25 to 45 square meters.
Two-room apartment 30 thousand rubles per month ($330). The size of the apartment is 45 to 65 square meters
A three-room apartment is 35,000 rubles per month ($380). The size of the apartment is 65 to 85 square meters.
What was presented here is the average price, meaning that there are prices higher than these and there are also lower. The prices of renting the apartments and houses are determined mainly according to the location of the apartment and the level of renovation in the apartment. Ground houses are about 15 percent more expensive than the floor apartment.
The Republic of Adygea is a tourist state, beautiful nature, very interesting culture and history.
Hundreds of thousands visit Adygea every year and therefore there is also what is called renting an apartment or house for a short period, from one day to one month or two months. Here the average price is 3000 thousand rubles ($33) for one day. This price is determined as we mentioned above according to the location of the apartment and the level of its renovation.
These prices were updated on May 9, 2024, the price of one dollar on this date was 91.82 rubles.
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