Residential real estate prices in: Nalchik, New Jersey, Afula, Istanbul


We present the average price of one square meter of residential real estate (houses and apartments) in some of the countries where the Circassians live. Part of the information is based on calculations we made of residences offered for sale on various websites and another part we collected from websites that work in the fields of real estate-statistics.

New Jersey - United States

We took the average prices of residential buildings (houses and apartments) in the state of New Jersey from the Redfin website, which deals with the sale and purchase of real estate in the United States. According to the website's statistics, the average price of one square meter of an apartment-house in the state of New Jersey is $3420. In the cities there are considerable differences in housing prices across the state. If we take the city of Hoboken, then the average price of one square meter is $8,950, whereas if we take the city of Newark, then the average price of one square meter of housing is $2,650.

According to estimates by the Circassian organizations, over 15 thousand Circassians live in the state of New Jersey.

Afula - Israel

Afula is a city in the north of Israel. Very few Circassians live in the city, but it is twenty kilometers from the Circassian village of Kfar Kama.

We took the Residential real estate prices in Afula from the madadirot website, which deals with providing information on housing prices in the State of Israel.

According to the information of madadirot, there are a total of 68,620 residents in the city of Afula. The number of apartments and houses sold in the city in the last 12 months is 766. The number of apartments and houses offered for sale is currently 965.

The average price for an apartment in the city is 1,195,000 NIS (322,970 dollars), the average price per square meter is 11,841 NIS (3200 dollars).

Istanbul - Turkey

We took the average residential real estate prices in the city of Istanbul from the endeksa website, which deals with providing information on apartment-house prices in different countries around the world. According to the website in the city of Istanbul, the average price of one square meter of housing is 1235 dollars. Istanbul is a very big city and there are considerable differences in the prices of apartments-houses in the different neighborhoods of the city. In some neighborhoods the price of one square meter of housing can reach up to 3500 dollars and in other neighborhoods the price can be less than a thousand dollars per square meter.

According to estimates by the Circassian organizations, over half a million Circassians live in Istanbul.

Nalchik - Kabardino-Balkaria

We took the information about residential real estate prices in the city of Nalchik from our website Adygrealty as well as from the major real estate websites that work in the Russian Federation.

The average price of one square meter of an apartment-house in Nalchik is 88,650 rubles ($996).

Nalchik - the capital city of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. The number of residents is over 250 thousand people. 55 percent of the city's residents are Circassians.

These prices were updated on September 5, 2024, and the price of one dollar on that date was 88.92 rubles.
